Storytelling with Data

Having all the information in the world readily available at our fingertips doesn’t make it easier to communicate. It makes it harder.

In Storytelling with Data, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic shows us what she’s learned turning data into pictures and stories over six years teaching her own data visualization course at Google. This is a simple, fun, modern-day version of Edward Tufte’s The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, aimed at making each of us better at sharpening our message and communicating our story clearly.

We initially compiled the notes below for internal use as they are comprised largely of our own highlights exported from the book. The majority of these highlights are specific guidelines and examples which we found helpful. The data, graphs, and images from the book can be found here.

For the full story and all of the context around each example, we highly recommend reading the book in its entirety. We purchased hard copies for our entire team so that Cole’s lessons are always readily accessible on our physical desktops. You can purchase your own copy here.

Storytelling w Date


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